"[Killswitch] . . . not only demonstrates how modern technology threatens our privacy and freedom, but it also recognizes the sacrifices that Aaron Swartz and Edward Snowden made on behalf of those fundamental principles"
Congressman Alan Grayson, Huffington Post
Rating: 8.7/10
"Killswitch weaves together ancient and recent history in a way that makes heady issues like network neutrality and SOPA connect with non-technical people"
"How do the media affect our views and opinions? Why is net neutrality good? And whistle blowing necessary? Killswitch…will tell you all you need to know"
Amsterdam Magazine
"The fight for Net Neutrality is only the beginning"
"Some of the most lapidary use of found footage this side of The Atomic Café"
Watch RT's Abby Martin Interview with Killswitch Filmmakers
"Activists and Legislators On Capitol Hill Discuss Killswitch: The Battle To Control the Internet"
npo DOC
"Anyone who values unfettered access to online information is apt to be captivated by Killswitch, a gripping, fast-paced documentary"
OC Register
"Must See"
"Rating: 9/10"
"[Killswitch] . . . reflects the viciousness of a system bent on privatizing the Web and conquering access to information"
Defending Dissent
"Killswitch highlights the issue of net neutrality perfectly"
Killswitch, A Documentary About Aaron Swartz, Edward Snowden, and the Nature of Online Information
Laughing Squid
#Killswitch: A Documentary About the Free Internet
Visual News
Interview With Akbarzadeh, Director: Killswitch
Popcorn and Vodka
"Lessig & Williamson in Seattle for June 4 Premiere of Killswitch"
Boing Boing
"[Killswitch] . . . is a call to action – proving that we, the people have the power to change the status quo"
Art Killing Apathy
Killswitch Documentary Went from Santa Ana to Washington, D.C., Before Net Neutrality Vote