We're partnering with proven pro-Internet allies. Hover over the ally logo to find out more & click to visit the ally homepage.
International non-profit, human rights, public policy and advocacy group mobilizing for global digital freedom -
Defending and preserving the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States -
Article 19
Defending and promoting freedom of expression and freedom of information -
Backbone Campaign
Creative and artistic support for progressive direct action -
Battle for the Net
Coalition of online advocacy groups dedicated to defending net neutrality and a free and open Internet -
Benton Foundation
Ensuring the media and telecommunications industries serve the public interest and enhance our democracy -
Bill of Rights Defense Coaltion
Restoring the rule of law, constitutional rights and liberties by holding police and intelligence agencies accountantable to the Bill of Rights -
Keeping creators and consumers in control of their content and data -
Center for Democracy & Technology
Champion of global online civil liberties and human rights, driving policy outcomes that keep the Internet open, innovative, and free -
Center for Effective Government
Promoting active citizen participation in the United States democracy by increasing government transparency and accountability -
Center for Media Justice
Providing communication and media policy strategies for grassroots organizations supporting racial justice, economic equity, and human rights -
Center for Public Integrity
Revealing abuses of power, corruption and dereliction of duty by powerful public and private institutions, causing them to operate with honesty, integrity, accountability -
Center for Responsive Politics
Maintaining a large public online database tracking the effects of money and lobbying on elections and public policy -
Code for Progress
Bringing women and people of color into the coding workforce through holistic investment in their technical training and communities of support -
Code Pink
Working to end U.S.-funded wars and occupations and challenging militarism globally -
Color of Change
Advocating for civil rights using online resources to strengthen the political voice of African Americans -
Common Cause
Reinventing an open, honest and accountable government that serves the public interest, empowering ordinary people to make their voices heard in the political process. -
Computer & Communications Industry Association
Representing the computer, Internet, information technology, and telecommunications industries by promoting open markets, open systems, open networks, and full, fair, and open competition -
Consumers Union
Protecting consumers by advocating on policy issues related to telecommunications, mass media and thousands of consumer products -
Courage Foundation
Defending truthtellers by fundraising the legal defence of whistleblowers and journalists -
Demand Progress
Supporting Internet freedom, civil liberties, transparency, and human rights, and in opposition to censorship and corruption through online and grassroots advocacy -
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Preserving civil liberties in the digital world by championing user privacy, free expression, and innovation -
Supporting the growth of technology entrepreneurship through local and national economic research, policy analysis, and advocacy -
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Protecting privacy, freedom of expression, democratic values and the future of the Internet -
Every Voice
Empower and amplifying the everyday American, fighting back against big money special interest -
Fight for the Future
Expanding and protecting the Internet's transformative power in our lives by creating civic campaigns that are engaging for millions of people -
Free and Equal
More Voices, More Choices -
Free Press
Fighting to save the free and open Internet, curb runaway media consolidation, protect press freedom, and ensure diverse voices are represented in our media -
Free Software Foundation
Upholding computer user freedom and defending the rights of all free software users -
Government Accountability Project
Exposing wrongdoing to the public and litigating on behalf of whisteblowers -
Golden Frog
Global service provider committed to preserving an open and secure Internet experience while respecting user privacy -
Honest Elections Seattle
Citizen initiative to end big money's influence on Seattle politics -
Liberty Coalition
Connecting politically diverse organizations and promoting transpartisan policies related to civil liberties and basic human rights -
Marianne Williamson
Best-selling author and renowned speaker -
Move to Amend
Calling for a 28th constitutional amendment stating that money is not speech and corporations aren't people -
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Working to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination -
National Hispanic Media Coalition
Working to defend the best interests of American Latinos in the media and telecommunications industries -
National Whistleblowers Center
Supporting whistleblowers in the courts and before Congress, achieving victories for environmental protection, nuclear safety, government ethics and corporate accountability -
Sustaining a community organizing platform by allowing users to build and manage websites -
New America
Investing in new ideas to address the next generation of challenges through the renewal of American politics, prosperity and purpose in the digital age -
New Hampshire Rebellion
Asking every presidential candidate, "What specific reforms will you advance to end the corrupting influence of money in politics?" -
New Media Rights
Providing legal services, education, and public policy advocacy for Internet users and creators -
Occupy Democrats
Aiming to create a more equal society for all by working with progressives, President Obama and the Democratic Party -
Independent, international news for the 99% -
Open Media
Safeguarding the possibilities of the open Internet by working toward informed and participatory digital policy -
Open Mic
Fostering dialogue among media companies, investors, consumers and creators with the goal of developing successful and responsible media practices for the digital age -
Open Technology Institute
Partnering with communities, researchers, industry and public interest groups to promote affordable, universal, and ubiquitous communications networks -
Other 98
Committed to kicking greedy corporate asses for the harder working classes -
PEN America
Guiding governments and the private sector to protect freedom of expression and privacy online -
Project on Governmental Oversight
Investigating corruption, misconduct, and conflicts of interest to achieve a more effective, accountable, open, and ethical federal government -
Popular Resistance
Growing a culture of resistance by utilizing nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience -
Public Citizen
Advocating for a healthier and more equitable world by making government work for the people and by defending democracy from corporate greed -
Public Knowledge
Shaping policy on behalf of the public interest by promoting freedom of expression, an open internet, and access to affordable communications tools and creative works -
The Real News Network
Daily television news that reports with ordinary people's interests in mind -
The front page of the Internet -
Restore the Fourth
Ending all unconstitutional surveillance of digital communications by the U.S. government by working to restore the Fourth Constitutional Amendment -
Fighting political corruption in the United States by reducing the role of special interest money in elections through online and grassroots campaigns -
Question More -
Save the Internet
Securing real net neutrality -
Southern Poverty Law Center
Fighting hate and bigotry by seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society -
Stamp Stampede
Mobilizing people across the country to stamp messages on American currency in support of passing a constitutional amendment to Get Money Out of Politics -
Student Net Alliance
Combining new digital tools with impactful organizing tactics to empower students to protect their interests online -
Sum of Us
A movement of consumers, workers and shareholders speaking with one voice to counterbalance the growing power of large corporations -
Sunlight Foundation
Making government transparent and accountable through data, tools, policy and journalism -
Tech Freedom
Think tank dedicated to promoting the progress of technology that improves the human condition -
Providing expert news coverage of current affairs & a variety of thoughtful, provocative content assembled from a progressive point of view -
Reporting corporate tax avoidance and investigating government cuts to social spending and public sector jobs -
Voices for Internet Freedom
Representing communities of color in the fight to protect the open Internet -
Web We Want
Ensuring everyone, everywhere is online and able to participate in a free flow of knowledge, ideas, collaboration and creativity over the open Web -
Whistleblower Support Fund
Providing strategic counseling, emotional, professional and technical support to meritous whistleblowers